Video Highlights
The Plymouth Chorale performing "Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day" by Lloyd Pfautsch on December 17, 2022
The Plymouth Chorale performing "Praise Be to the Lord of the Universe" by Paul Aitken on April 30, 2023
The Plymouth Chorale performing Daniel Elder's Dona Nobis Pachem
The Plymouth Chorale performing the Gloria in Excelsis Deo from Vivaldi's Gloria on January 19, 2020
The Plymouth Chorale performing the Agnus Dei from Paul Winter's 'Missa Gaia' or 'Earth Mass'
The Plymouth Chorale performing Franz Joseph Haydn's "The Seven Last Words of Christ" -- "The First Word" on April 27, 2019
The Plymouth Chorale performing Ottorino Respighi's 'Laud to the Nativity' -- opening excerpt
The Plymouth Chorale performing Introit and Kyrie from Gabriel Fauré's Requium
The Plymouth Chorale performing There's a Certain Slant of Light from Alice Parker's and Emily Dickinson's Heavenly Hurt.
The Plymouth Chorale performing Antonio Vivaldi's Magnificat December 10, 2017
The Plymouth Chorale performing Paul Winter's Missa Gaia on April 28 & 29 2018 -- Kyrie